

Durga Mantra "Aum Aing Hring Kleeng Chamundaya Vichche" (9 Reps)

Rough Translation: AUM. Seed syllables of Saraswati (Wisdom), Lakshmi/Parvati (Purification), and Kali (Transformation). She who cuts off inappropriate aversion and attachment. This is the most popular mantra of the divine Mother Durga. This mantra should be repeated 500,000 times. Goddess Durga is one of the most popular goddesses in Hindu religion. She is the Divine Mother and representation of compassion, strength, morality and protection. She protects her devotees from evil powers and safeguards them. It is believed that Goddess Durga is said to be the combined form of powers of Goddess Laxmi, Goddess Kali and Goddess Saraswati. Chanted by Harish Johari (Courtesy of sanatansociety.org) Jai Maa Vaishno Devi (T Series)Movie Clip by Durgadevotee 

Artinya: Terjemahan kasar: AUM. Benih suku kata Saraswati (Wisdom), Lakshmi / Parvati (Pemurnian), dan Kali (Transformasi). Dia yang memotong keengganan pantas dan lampiran. Ini adalah mantra yang paling populer dari Durga Ibu ilahi. Mantra ini harus diulang 500.000 kali. Dewi Durga adalah salah satu dewi yang paling populer dalam agama Hindu. Dia adalah Bunda Ilahi dan representasi belas kasih, moralitas kekuatan, dan perlindungan. Dia melindungi umat nya dari kekuatan jahat dan perlindungan mereka. Hal ini diyakini bahwa Dewi Durga dikatakan bentuk gabungan kekuatan dari Dewi Laxmi, Dewi Kali dan Dewi Saraswati. Dilantunkan oleh Harish Johari (Courtesy of sanatansociety.org) Jai Maa Vaishno Devi (T Series) Klip Video by Durgadevotee

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